Gola top for fitting for kitchen furniture, 2,35 m, Anthracite grey, Aluminium

Product Details

Product Information

The Gola Top to embed, is a kitchen furniture profile, which gives the final finish to the crossbars with central groove. The characteristic that differentiates it is its way of installation. This profile is provided with an 8 mm flange. thickness that is anchored in the central groove of the edge of the crossbar, its adjustment is optimal. It is made of anthracite gray aluminum. Its measurements are 2.35 meters long and 18 mm thick. The eaves are 21.3mm deep and 18.6mm high. The product packaging contains 8 units of Gola Top profiles to fit in.


SKU 8162335
Materials Aluminium
Finishings Anthracite grey
Packaging 8 Ut
Board thickness 18 mm
Length 2,35 m


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